How to skin a snake using docker
The snake being Python, of course.
The situation is as follows: I write some code in Python, on Mac OS X, and the target system is Debian Squeeze. Now, how to distribute my code to Squeeze? Needless to say, I’m spoiled by all the libraries available in Python, so my code quickly grows a list of dependencies, which may or may not be available as Debian packages and may or not come as native extensions. We don’t want to pull stuff from PiPy in production (security reasons), and we’re not a very big Python shop so setting up our own Python-specific infrastructure is a bit expensive. Hence, the stated target is Debian packages and versioning through Puppet.
The art of the doable is accepting the given and making the best of it. Preferably through a makefile, because I am getting old and keep forgetting arcane command line invocations. And preferably portable, so we don’t depend on a specific system to do builds. So, thinking about a portable, predictable system I quickly landed on Docker.
(In case you haven’t heard of Docker yet, please crawl out of your cave and google for it. I’ll wait… ;-))
So, my thinking is to have a Dockerfile that mimicks the target environment and can build Python packages. Instead of Squeeze I opt for Ubuntu 10.04 (binary compatible. I just happen to prefer Ubuntu), and the file just installs everything I think I’ll need for creating Debian packages from Python:
FROM ubuntu:10.04
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND noninteractive
RUN sudo apt-get update
RUN sudo apt-get install -y python-stdeb git-core python-pip
python-virtualenv python2.6-dev ruby1.9.1 rubygems1.9.1 ruby1.9.1-dev
RUN gem1.9.1 install fpm && ln -s /var/lib/gems/1.9.1/bin/fpm /usr/bin/
VOLUME ["/data"]
CMD "/bin/bash"
(The RUBYOPT bit was necessary because of issues around installing FPM - Ruby 1.9 still thinks ASCII rules the world and FPM speaks UTF-8 in the Gem).
Build it, tag it as, say, casedeg/python-dist:10.04-1, and a push later we’re the proud owners of a Squeeze-compatible package building container.
That was simple - we now have a Docker container which should, in theory, be able to create debian packages out of thin air, mostly thanks to the awesomeness of FPM. The next step, of course, is to use it. As I said, I keep forgetting things so everything goes into a Makefile for my projects. First, make sure we have a proper list of dependencies, up-to-date all the time.
pip freeze >requirements.txt # this is what we tested with...
python -m unittest discover
This keeps requirements.txt up-to-date as I make a habit of running tests before a release (and, of course, we can “force” that if we want to). Requirements.txt ends up containing a list of all dependencies, fully recursed down, which nicely describes the packages we need.
Now comes the magic. We run Docker in a Vagrant VM, and one of the things we have in our Vagrantfile is:
config.vm.synced_folder ENV['HOME'], ENV['HOME']
In this way, the home directory on Mac OS X is mirrored in the Linux VM and thus you can pretend you can mount “local” Mac OS X directories directly in Docker containers. This allows us to do the following:
VERSION:=$(shell python --version)
dist: test
# Package dependencies
docker run -i -t --rm -v ${PWD}:/data ${PACKAGER_DOCKER} /bin/bash \
-c 'cd /data; cat requirements.txt |grep ==|while read p; do fpm -s python -t deb $$p;done'
# Package this
docker run -i -t --rm -v ${PWD}:/data ${PACKAGER_DOCKER} /bin/bash \
-c "cd /data; fpm -s python -t deb -v ${VERSION}"
The first statement goes through all the requirements that have a double equals - essentially skipping over the line that pip freeze emits to represent the local source code. It spits out Debian packages in the current directory - /data - which happens to match the source code directory we’re invoking this from through a) the Vagrant mapping, and b) the ‘-v’ volume mapping given to the Docker. It ends with a .deb dropped in our source directory for each dependency, recursively.
The second one fires up the container again, now invoking FPM to make a .deb out of the source code and The end result is a Debian package from the source tree. FPM will copy all the dependencies into the Debian packages, so all you need to do now is throw the whole bunch into your APT repository and apt-get install the package representing your source code - the rest will be pulled in automatically.
The really cool thing is that in essence, you instantiate the equivalent of a virtual machine for each step in that Makefile snippet, without any of the overhead. A sample run:
$ time gnumake dist
# Package dependencies
docker run -i -t --rm -v /Users/casedeg/dev/counters:/data casedeg/python-dist:10.04-1 /bin/bash -c 'cd /data; cat requirements.txt |grep ==|while read p; do fpm -s python -t deb $p;done'
Created package {:path=>"python-argparse_1.2.1_all.deb"}
Created package {:path=>"python-ecdsa_0.11_all.deb"}
Created package {:path=>"python-paramiko_1.15.1_all.deb"}
Created package {:path=>"python-pycrypto_2.6.1_amd64.deb"}
Created package {:path=>"python-pyjavaproperties_0.6_all.deb"}
Created package {:path=>"python-pysftp_0.2.8_all.deb"}
Created package {:path=>"python-requests_2.4.3_all.deb"}
Created package {:path=>"python-scp_0.8.0_all.deb"}
Created package {:path=>"python-wsgiref_0.1.2_all.deb"}
# Package this
docker run -i -t --rm -v /Users/casedeg/dev/counters:/data casedeg/python-dist:10.04-1 /bin/bash -c "cd /data; fpm -s python -t deb -v 1.0.0"
Created package {:path=>"python-counters_1.0.0_all.deb"}
real 0m43.312s
user 0m0.119s
sys 0m0.058s
More than acceptable for a make dist spitting out 10 Debian packages, I’d say :)
There is more than one way to skin this particular snake. What I like about the Docker solution is that, in effect, the Dockerfile describes the standardized environment you usually setup in an integration environment (e.g., “distributions can only be created on this Jenkins machine”), but now it becomes fully portable - I can run this command on Linux, Windows, Mac OS X, no matter what versions, the packages will be built on exactly the same environment and thus can be relied upon to be correct. Furthermore, no hardware needs to be dedicated - it gets fired up when we need it, and forgotten milliseconds afterwards.
I think building distributions using Docker is a huge step forwards, and after this pretty succesful experiment I’m sure I’ll be pushing for more of this in our company.